Yuliya Mangutov, Piano Instructor in Hinsdale


  The Yuliya Mangutov Piano Studio is proud to offer a bounty of opportunities for private lessons, piano ⁄ theory exams and contests ⟨ Local Piano Competitions, Granquist Music Competition, Chicago Duo Piano competition, The Sejong Music Competition and others⟩, festivals, and group workshops during the school year.

  At the end of each year, we hold a large studio recital series for all of the students and their families.


  Please allow a 20-minute variance between the scheduled time of a lesson and the time that I may arrive. I will notify you if I am going to be more than 20 minutes late. It is important to understand that I never end a lesson until everything for that lesson has been covered; even if it requires going beyond the time that was scheduled. I occasionally do this for all of my students. Please let me know if you ever need me to be on time, and I will be there. I will wait 20 minutes beyond the scheduled time of a lesson. After that, I will leave if you are not there. No credit or makeup time will be given for these missed lessons.


  During the summer, we offer private lessons.Lessons will be offered to anyone who would like to study with me during the summer. Taking lessons in the summer enhances a student's progress in many ways. Students should continue lessons throughout the summer if they are able.


  If I have to miss a lesson, I will try to find an alternative time. If you are going to miss a lesson, please notify me at least 24 hours in advance unless you are sick.

Yuliya Mangutov 2012